Comcast to Shift Up the Date for Hulu Deal with Disney

Comcast to Shift Up the Date for Hulu Deal with Disney to Sept 30, 2023


The Hulu deal between Comcast and Disney has been rescheduled to take place on September 30, 2023.

Prior to Comcast’s announcement of Disney acquiring full control of Hulu by the majority of its stakes, Hulu was a stand-alone streaming platform that was a joint venture between Disney and Comcast.

Though the acquisition was supposed to happen in late 2023, Comcast has reportedly moved up the date for Hulu’s acquisition deal with Disney to this month, i.e., September 2023.

For Disney, it is a major shift in its popularity, with Disney already having major stakes for Hulu, assuring future stability amidst the competitive world of streaming and a constant war of grabbing the viewer’s attention.

This acquisition is a good shift for Hulu’s platform as well because now, with full force from Disney’s side, the viewers can expect more notable and binge-worthy content on Hulu. This extended collaboration between Disney and Comcast brings forward a powerful combination of creativity and innovation.

As Hulu’s future starts to seem brighter, users can expect a better tomorrow for their subscription-based platform and its content. This collaborative approach can become the catalyst they need for more positive transformation in the world of digital-stream media.

As corporate decisions now prioritize consumer interest in an improved streaming service, Comcast CEO Brian Roberts mentioned that collaborative corporations value their users the most because “consumer wants simplicity, somebody to help aggregate and have the most bang for their buck.”

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Marquise Kling is happiest when she's writing or reading, but she loves to go hiking or camping too! She also loves to play music and sing along with the radio or at karaoke bars. She at HuluBinge will take you on a ride to the doors of entertainment.